Shakespearean insults have long been a staple of teaching Shakespeare in the high school. As a result, these colorful phrases are not new to me. However, I still find them delightful to use and generate--the art of witty insults has been lost in an unimpressive sea of "Your Mom"s and "Your face" (the new generation is so creative eh?). Anyhoo, I appreciate a good Shakespearean insult as much as any of my fellow English peers. But Shakespeare was also a king of compliments, especially as the writer of great love stories. Many people don't realize, or overlook the fact that there is also a Shakespearean compliment generator. I think both are fun to use, that way you are verbally armed for any situation. Next time you step forth into the social world, take a few of these wonderful phrases with you!

Thou gleeking, guts-griping giglet! (YAY alliteration)
Thou yeasty, clapper-clawed moldwarp!
Thou infectious, knotty-pated fustilarian!
Compliments: Afterall, it's almost Valentine's Day
Thou rare, tiger-booted true penny
Thou celestial, thunder-darting welsh cheese (Guys, I don't suggest you go around calling a girl "welsh cheese--not sure that's a compliment nowadays).
Thou flowering, honey-tongued nose herb
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